Illustration of each part of a tooth implant

What You Should Know About Tooth Extraction Cost

The thought of a tooth extraction may not be all that appealing, but the fact remains you may need to have a tooth pulled at some point in your life, even if you practice excellent oral hygiene. If your dentist has made such a recommendation, it is because the benefits of doing so will leave you better off than before.

Common reasons why it may be necessary are:

  • tooth infection
  • excessive tooth decay
  • bone loss due to gum disease
  • a fractured or worn-down tooth
  • overcrowding

Whatever the reason, cost should not be an obstacle. Evers Dental offers a range of payment options to keep costs manageable, even for those in need of a more complicated procedure.

What Factors Affect Tooth Extraction Cost?

The type of anesthesia used during the procedure will influence the final price tag. This is the time to have an open conversation with your dentist and make known any questions or concerns that you may have. This conversation, as well as any medical conditions, will determine the best anesthesia for you. We always discuss your options and will explain why we prefer certain methods over others. In dentistry, the type of anesthesia that you dentist will use varies depending on the procedure and your unique needs. Some methods include:

  • nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas
  • an oral sedative medication
  • intravenous, or IV, sedation
  • general anesthetic, where one is asleep during the procedure

The type of procedure required also plays a role in the cost. Factors like the tooth’s shape, size, position, and location can affect the tally.

  • Simple extraction: The removal of a tooth that is visible and easily removed in one piece.
  • Surgical extraction: The removal of gum tissue, bone, or both. Sometimes, the tooth needs to be sectioned — broken into pieces — to facilitate its complete removal.
  • Wisdom teeth removal: Wisdom teeth are typically considered surgical extraction because they are commonly removed due to being impacted. This means they have not fully emerged from the gums.

Does Insurance Cover Extraction Expenses?

Dental insurance plans do tend to provide some coverage for routine dental extractions. It is best to contact your dental insurance provider to determine what is covered under your specific plan.
Evers Dental Center prides itself on offering affordable and quality dental care to the entire family. We know that non-routine dental treatments are often unexpected, and we work to reduce the impact of these costs to you. By discussing tooth extraction cost well ahead of the procedure, you should feel more at ease if you worry cost may be an issue. We accept all major forms of payment and offer dental financing through GreenSky. Schedule an appointment with us today.

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